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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine

I demand that Reinhard Nissl may or may not have written...

> Darren Salt wrote:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> amixer set Master 100% unmute > /tmp/xine.log 2>&1
>> Hmm... I'd find it useful for vdr's volume controls to be passed through
>> to (g)xine (I've got gxine passing keypresses to vdr, but I'm not entirely
>> happy with it yet). That'll reduce the configuration issue to that of how
>> do I tell it that it should be controlling the volume of ALSA device 1,
>> not device 0...

> I'm sorry, it seems, that I don't understand your writing. I've implemented
> VDR's cDevice::SetVolume() Method by sending the volume level to xine and
> there I call
>     xine_set_param(this->stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_VOLUME, data->volume);
> Can you tell me a xine function, that would work for your case?

Hmm. I wasn't aware of that... it does work, at least from vdr to (g)xine.
However, volume changes made in the front end aren't being passed to vdr.

As for the mixer problem, that looks like a deficiency in gxine and/or
libxine. I'll look into this...

| Darren Salt | nr. Ashington, | d youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk
| Debian,     | Northumberland | s zap,tartarus,org
| RISC OS     | Toon Army      | @
|   Retrocomputing: a PC card in a Risc PC

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