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[vdr] Re: Multiple languaghes

> Anders Sandell <> uttered the following thing:
>> Hi list,
>> On a few channels i get audio in several languaghes. For example when
>> watching Eurosport i get audio in both swedish and danish at the same
>> time...
>> My channels.conf has the following line for Eurosport:
>> Eurosport;Telenor:12476:hC34:S1.0W:27800:513:644=sve,645=nor:577:B00:905:70:21:0
>> Can anyone on the list explain this behaviour and maybe give me a hint
>> on how to get audio in one languaghe??
> A question I asked recently on this list and got an answer for. It's a
> patch to have a 'preferred' audio language track:
> Alternatively, if you have fixed channels configured and dont have auto
> channel update enabled, you can manually edit the channels.conf and
> remove the PIDS for languages you dont want.
> Note that some channels do another trick, which is to put one language
> on one audio channel (left), another on the other channel (right).
> There's no way I know of to deal with this properly except to twiddle
> with the balance with your audio system.
> Ben


Installed the patch, and yes Eurosport seems to put one language on the
right channel and another on the left. Now I have the ability to choose
between swedish/danish and finnish/norwegian ......

Is this taken care of through the "standard" decoders, like the one Canal
Digital provide when you sign up for their service? I cant remember having
this problem before.


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