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[vdr] Re: Freevo Integration: What is the status ?

Hi Boris,

Boris Lenzinger schrieb:

I've read few weeks ago that there was a plan to integrate vdr and Freevo.
What is the status of this project ? Is it still active ?

As Klaus wrote:
We are not actually integrating vdr and Freevo. Rather we are building a vdr interface for freevo.
For now there is only the 0.2 release on the freevo download page available.

The next release will have a svdrp interface and a tvtime mode to make usage of full featured dvb cards.
We are currently testing the new code and i'd be happy to release it very soon. My own plans are to get full EPG (TVGuide) and Timer support as well as a DVB Radio mode for freevo.

Feel free to join the freevo-devel list for more information about this stuff.


Thomas Weber

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