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[vdr] Re: av-sync issue with vdr (1.3.12) and dxr3-plugin (0.2.3-pre2)

Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:

I'm using vdr 1.3.12 with dxr3-plugin 0.2.3-pre2 with hauppauge wintv
nova-t pci budget-dvb-t card.

I'm using Linux 2.4.27 with latest em8300 cvs for dxr3.

The av-sync seems to be wrong most of the time.. it's not much wrong, but
enough so that you notice it all the time.

I recorded couple of minutes of some talk show with vdr from the finnish tv. The av-sync was wrong when I watched it "live". When I replay it with vdr,
the av-sync is also wrong.

If I look the same clip with mplayer with xv-output, or with dxr3-output,
the av-sync is correct..

So the problem is in vdr or in dxr3-plugin..
If you search in the ML you will find a message, where i wrote that i will rewrote the demuxer and connected stuff in the next time.
Atm i am working on the new OSD-routines.

Greets, Christian

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