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[vdr] Re: Buffer Overflows in vdr-1.3.13

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Chad Flynt wrote:


I tried this and actually was able to reproduce this.
Unfortunately it didn't happen any more since I have inserted
a few lines to test something. Will try that again tomorrow.

If somebody would like to try this:

--- remux.c     2004/10/16 09:11:52     1.19
+++ remux.c     2004/10/19 16:23:00
@@ -556,6 +556,11 @@
  int resultCount = 0;
  uchar *data = resultBuffer->Get(resultCount);
  if (data) {
+     if (!synced && resultCount > RESULTBUFFERSIZE * 10 / 8) {//XXX
+        dsyslog("clearing resultBuffer before sync");
+        Clear();
+        return NULL;
+        }//XXX
     for (int i = 0; i < resultCount - 3; i++) {
         if (data[i] == 0 && data[i + 1] == 0 && data[i + 2] == 1) {
            int l = 0;

and let me know whether this message is ever logged, that would be


Thanks for the test code.  I have rebuilt vdr with this patch and now
I can not seem to reproduce the buffer overflow either... Could the
extra time it takes to process this new code be preventing some kind
of race condition?  So far I have not seen any "clearing resultBuffer
before sync" messages... I'll keep testing.
I have been experimenting with this patch and have also applied the patch mentioned in another post by Reinhard Nissl about:

- if (Count > TRANSFERBUFSIZE * 2 / 3) {
+ if (ringBuffer->Available() > TRANSFERBUFSIZE * 2 / 3) {

but, the same buffer overflows occur and I have not seen any messages about "clearing resultBuffer before sync" in my syslogs. However, I do get messages about "clearing device because of consecutive poll timeouts". Im starting to notice that when I set a bunch of consecutive timers, that the first timer seems to always work. The problem seems to occur when VDR has already initiated a prior recording, then must stop recording, then switch chans, then start a new TS. Almost like VDR is not given enough time to recover from the previous recording. If it is of any consequence, I have also noticed that when VDR must switch chans initiated by the timer, that it successfully starts a new TS but the picture on the tv is frozen with the image of the previous channel (until I manually switch chans to the one that is recording).


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