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[vdr] Re: SV: Re: VGA output, what is the best solution?

On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 17:37 +0200, Mattias Viberg wrote:
> Excuse me, DISPLAY?
> How to i check that?

env | grep DISPLAY in the terminal you try to start vdr from.

I've just tried to load softdevice with -vo fb: and then vdr starts
> normally on the TV (s-video output) and the everything in X turns
> black
> (except the console from where I started vdr). When I move the mouse
> around the part of the screen that turned black reappears (where the
> mouse travels if you understand what I mean).

You should first switch to a virtual terminal with Ctrl-Alt-F1 or
similar before using the framebuffer output, it will conflict with X11
the way you are seeing otherwise.

> I'm using the onboard graphics on my Abit VA-10, and the X server
> included in Suse 8.2.

This is a unichrome based board? You might need to get the latest X11
drivers. What distro are you using? Check for information about recent X11

Torgeir Veimo <>

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