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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.3.13

Thomas Schmidt wrote:
* Christian Gmeiner schrieb am 21.10.04, um 23:27 Uhr:

I have changed CXXXFLAGS of dxr3 plugin in cvs.
I have to remove it, because it seems to break my CPUID routine :(

Hmm, what does your CPUID-routine do?
It is used to get features like mmx, sse,.. from the cup register:

Look at this one:

I get this error: can't find a register in class `BREG' while reloading `asm'

with this peace of source:
// ==================================
//! cpuid function
bool cDxr3CPU::Cpuid(unsigned long function, unsigned long& out_eax, unsigned long& out_ebx, unsigned long& out_ecx, unsigned long& out_edx)
asm("cpuid": "=a" (out_eax), "=b" (out_ebx), "=c" (out_ecx), "=d" (out_edx) : "a" (function));
return true;


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