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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.3.14

Klaus Schmidinger a écrit :
I do have a TODO list of my own, but I won't make the mistake to
publish it ;-) If I did, it would probably be endlessly discussed
back and forth, because everybody has different priorities...

There could be discussions about priorities (just remain out of these)... There could also be incentives for good contributors to help you pro-actively in one way or another. One way to avoid endless discussion would be to publish this TODO only in the source distribution, along with a "don't publish this outside the whole source (to avoid republishing in wikis, web sites, etc.), thus allowing interested parties to pick into it and do things they are able to do, while keeping mere noisy people out of the equation (hoping you don't count me in this category)
You drive this project, you decide ;-)


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