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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.5.3 plugin


I'm pleased to announce the bugfix release 0.5.3:

2004-10-24: Version 0.5.3

*** NO NEED TO RECOMPILE xine-lib / xine-ui THIS TIME ***

- Fixed dolby audio processing to get recordings (and former live stream) of
  channel "ProSiebenHD" to play properly.
- Fixed extraction of PTS values (ignore PTS of value 0) resulting in better
  prebuffering (thanks to Cristiano Bozzi for reporting this issue).
- Changed data processing to comply with VDR's new buffer handling since
  release 1.3.13 (thanks to Klaus Schmidinger for assistance).
- Scrambled flag on PES packets is now cleared to not have xine terminate
  playback due to bad reception quality respectively early data transmission
  while device is still tuneing (thanks to mvdbeek at vdr-portal for reporting
  this issue).
- Replaced all usleep() calls by cMutex / cCondVar substitutes.
- Added paragraph to INSTALL (BUILDING XINE) about required versions of
  autoconf suite for building xine (requested by Frank99 at vdr-portal).


Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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