User talk:Sandybutt

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I have exactly the same setup: Terratec Cinergy T USB XE Rev 2 (Device ID: 0ccd:0069), Ubuntu Hardy Heron with a 2.6.24 kernel.

The driver works very well for me, as did you build instructions. Many thanks!

Note: it suffices to install the file dvb-af901x.ko; the others can be removed from the install target.

- @for i in dvb-core.ko dvb-pll.ko dvb-usb.ko dvb-af901x.ko;do if [ -e "$$i" ]; then echo -n "$$i "; install -m 644 -c $$i $(KDIR26); fi; done; echo; + @for i in dvb-af901x.ko; do if [ -e "$$i" ]; then echo -n "$$i "; install -m 644 -c $$i $(KDIR26); fi; done; echo;



Thanks !

Hi ! It worked for me as well ! Thanks a lot !
