# README file for dsmcc-oc dsmcc-oc: create an object-carousel. If you want to include stream- or stream-event objects in the stream, then you have to mark them accordingly. Stream-objects are recognized by the execute-bit which has to be set in the bitmask of the executing user, while stream-events are recognized by the write+execute bits, which both have to be set. For an example how stream- and stream-event objects are formatted look e.g. at example/teststream resp. example/teststreamevent. Additionally, if you want to include dummy stream-event-descriptors in the stream, e.g. for really basic testing, pass the '-ste' option to the encoder (this puts in descriptors referring to all event-ids described by all stream-event-objects included within the object- carousel twice in the stream: once at the beginning and second at the end of the stream, whereby the descriptor-version gets incremented. Otherwise, you can use the other tools to create single descriptors and put them in real-time into the stream, by your streaming-server. You can also include references to object in other carousels, i.e. these references include a lite options profile instead of a biop profile in their IOR. Such links to external objects are represented by soft-links. The name of the link itself stands for the object-name in the current object-carousel, where the destination-path follows a fixed format: The relative path to the referenced object in the external carousel followed by a colon-separeted list including the object-type (which can be "dir", "fil", "str" or "ste") and the carousel-location of the external carousel, i.e. carousel-id, original network-id, transport stream-id and finally the service-id (all in hexadecimal format). For an example how links to external objects are formatted look e.g. at example/pictures. And of course, all files to encode should be readable. Check 'dsmcc-oc --help'.