# README file for dsmcc-mhp-tools MPEG2 elementary stream encoding tools for DSM-CC MHP ObjectCarousels. Currently, ObjectCarousel-, NPT-stream-, Stream-Event-, AIT- and PMT- generation are implemented, and support for incremental ObjectCarousel and (P)SI updates has been added recently. Each tool's output is a single binary .m2t file, which is a MPEG2 elementary stream, i.e. a row of successive TS packets including pieces of the encoded data. The project is designed for linux and heavily depends on filesystems with file access permissions and symbolic links, which are used to recognize File-, Stream-, Stream-Eevent objects or LiteOptionsProfiles. The tools are well tested and work under Little- and BigEndian systems. Please read additional information in each tool's own README. If you get some questions or want to request features, please feel free to email me to one of the addresses listed in the AUTHORS file. Or, maybe better, write to the linux-dvb@linuxtv.org mailinglist! Note: You'll need some piece of software multiplexer to mux all generated ES (probably with audio and video) together into one TS or PS, which is not included in this project. One was released open-source few days ago :-)) Have a look at: http://linuxtv.org/multiplexer or http://scara.com/~schirmer/o/mplex13818 Marek ^.^