# README file for dsmcc-mhp-tools MPEG2 elementary stream encoder tools for DSM-CC MHP ObjectCarousels. Currently, ObjectCarousel-, NPT-stream-, Stream-Event-, AIT- and PMT- generation are implemented. Incremental ObjectCarousel/(P)SI updates will follow soon (TM). Instead of passing arguments to the commandline-tools, an abstract language will be needed to let people describe/(re-)define what they do want to broadcast/update. This textual representation gets read in then and will make the generation much easier. Next, if all these sub-tools get fully implemented, the aim is to write an additional tool which merges all these tools together into one and so generates a full-featured (TM) stream-set which will include one or multiple ObjectCarousels/Applications supporting updates and multiple NPT-timebases, referenced by all the required (P)SI-Information, i.e. PMTs and AITs. Due to the real-time broadcast nature of Stream-Events, these get never included in the streams, you'll have to provide them in real-time, too. Most probably, also a DirectFB-GUI interface will be available in future, which will make stream-generation easy by clicking what you want together. Please read additional information in each tool's own README. If you get some questions or want to request features, please feel free to email me to one of the addresses listed in the AUTHORS file. But, please also note that I'm developing all that on my own and, additionally, in my spare time, so... you know what I mean ;)) Marek ^.^ p.s. excuse my bad english..