Annotation of dvb-apps/README, revision 1.2

1.2     ! js          1: This tree contains Linux DVB API test/demo applications and utilities.
        !             2: 
        !             3: These have been copied from the "DVB" CVS tree, which means that
        !             4: the stuff in "DVB" is now unmaintained and out of date.
        !             5: 
        !             6: For convenience, dvb-apps contains a copy of the DVB API include
        !             7: files as they are contained in dvb-kernel and the 2.6.x Linux
        !             8: kernel. However, since the DVB API hasn't changed, the apps
        !             9: will still work with the old "DVB" drivers, should you decide not
        !            10: to use dvb-kernel.
1.1       js         11: 
                     12: Johannes Stezenbach <>

LinuxTV legacy CVS <>