VERSION := 1.1.0 PACKAGE := linuxtv-dvb-$(VERSION) CVSROOT := $(shell cat CVS/Root) #RELEASE_TAG := LINUXTV-DVB-$(subst .,_,$(subst -,_,$(VERSION))) RELEASE_TAG := HEAD KERNEL_MINOR := $(shell uname -r | sed -e 's/^2\.\(.\).*/\1/') BUILD_DIR := $(shell pwd)/build-2.$(KERNEL_MINOR) all: release dist: rm -rf release-tmp $(PACKAGE).tar.gz mkdir release-tmp ( cd release-tmp; cvs -d$(CVSROOT) export -r$(RELEASE_TAG) -d$(PACKAGE) dvb-kernel ) ( cd release-tmp/$(PACKAGE) && rm -rf patches-2.6 analog-2.4 mediafocusII-2.4 build-template ) find release-tmp -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -v ( cd release-tmp; tar czf ../$(PACKAGE).tar.gz $(PACKAGE) ) rm -rf release-tmp @echo @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo @echo "driver package: ./$(PACKAGE).tar.gz" @echo @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo install: $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR) install %:: $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR) $(MAKECMDGOALS) @echo @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo @echo The driver was built in $(BUILD_DIR). Please use @echo @echo $(BUILD_DIR)/ or @echo $(BUILD_DIR)/ @echo @echo "to load and unload the modules for testing. (see README for details)" @echo @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo