Public CVS Access


To get the latest sources from CVS you need to issue the following commands:

cvs -d login
(use an empty password)

cvs -z3 -d co dvb-kernel
(use any other module you are interested in instead of dvb-kernel)

If you want to check out the current drivers for the 2.4 kernel, please use: cvs -z3 -d co -rlinux_2_4 dvb-kernel
(use any other module you are interested in instead of dvb-kernel)


You can later update your sources by running:

cvs -z3 up -dP

Browse the CVS Repository Online

You can browse the files in the CVS repository with viewcvs. You can also download on-the-fly generated tarballs, but please use this feature sparingly as it puts a high load on the machine. If you find yourself downloading the newest sources regularly you should consider using anon-cvs access, as described above.
