struct v4l2_ctrl — The control structure.
struct v4l2_ctrl { struct list_head node; struct list_head ev_subs; struct v4l2_ctrl_handler * handler; struct v4l2_ctrl ** cluster; unsigned ncontrols; unsigned int done:1; unsigned int is_new:1; unsigned int has_changed:1; unsigned int is_private:1; unsigned int is_auto:1; unsigned int is_int:1; unsigned int is_string:1; unsigned int is_ptr:1; unsigned int is_array:1; unsigned int has_volatiles:1; unsigned int call_notify:1; unsigned int manual_mode_value:8; const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops * ops; const struct v4l2_ctrl_type_ops * type_ops; u32 id; const char * name; enum v4l2_ctrl_type type; s64 minimum; s64 maximum; s64 default_value; u32 elems; u32 elem_size; u32 dims[V4L2_CTRL_MAX_DIMS]; u32 nr_of_dims; union cur; union v4l2_ctrl_ptr p_new; union v4l2_ctrl_ptr p_cur; };
The list node.
The list of control event subscriptions.
The handler that owns the control.
Point to start of cluster array.
Number of controls in cluster array.
Internal flag: set for each processed control.
Set when the user specified a new value for this control. It is also set when called from v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup. Drivers should never set this flag.
Set when the current value differs from the new value. Drivers should never use this flag.
If set, then this control is private to its handler and it will not be added to any other handlers. Drivers can set this flag.
If set, then this control selects whether the other cluster members are in 'automatic' mode or 'manual' mode. This is used for autogain/gain type clusters. Drivers should never set this flag directly.
If set, then this control has a simple integer value (i.e. it uses ctrl->val).
If set, then this control has type V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_STRING.
If set, then this control is an array and/or has type >= V4L2_CTRL_COMPOUND_TYPES and/or has type V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_STRING. In other words, struct v4l2_ext_control uses field p to point to the data.
If set, then this control contains an N-dimensional array.
If set, then one or more members of the cluster are volatile. Drivers should never touch this flag.
If set, then call the handler's notify function whenever the control's value changes.
If the is_auto flag is set, then this is the value of the auto control that determines if that control is in manual mode. So if the value of the auto control equals this value, then the whole cluster is in manual mode. Drivers should never set this flag directly.
The control ops.
The control type ops.
The control ID.
The control name.
The control type.
The control's minimum value.
The control's maximum value.
The control's default value.
The number of elements in the N-dimensional array.
The size in bytes of the control.
The size of each dimension.
The number of dimensions in dims
The control's current value.
The control's new value represented via an union with provides a standard way of accessing control types through a pointer.
The control's current value represented via an union with provides a standard way of accessing control types through a pointer.