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Re: CyberLogin Problems and Fixes !?

On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 10:56:34AM +0100, Karsten Siebert wrote:
> I also enabled transponder 103 now (frequency 12.461, pol hor, 27.5 MS). 
> This requires that the receiver board can set the MAC filter according to 
> the  following scheme:
> MAC: 00:02:xx:xx:xx:xx, where xx:xx:xx:xx is the (from your ISP e.g. via 
> PPP) assigned IP address.

I can't get this to work and just contacted Karsten directly. But in
the meanwhile: Has someone else tried this out? Which results?

I attach a source code which should do the job of setting the right
transponder and setting the filtering. Its a very quick hack, but i
cannot see any errors, so i don't see where the problem might be.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / with kind regards

Michael Holzt

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