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Re: Format of /dev/video or where to get MPEG TS stream?

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Ralph Metzler wrote:

> You can get section data on /dev/vbi (hmm, we should invent a /dev/dvb or
> something ...)
> The packets on this start like this:
>    u16  ID="SI"
>    u16  filter handle
>    u16  PID  
>    u16  data length
>    u8[] data
> Before you get data you have to define a section filter:

The /dev/vbi stuff work mostly, but if I set filters in a loop, two at a
time as you suggest, with at least 1 second pauses between checks, after
30 or so iterations, the filters won't report any more data, even though I
know there's data there, and it will show up if I start the scan closer to
the PID with know data. I've tried it with calling VIDIOCSSHUTDOWNFILTER
on each pass, and without, and it doesn't seem to change. Any suggestions?

Also, during the scan, it's possible for the kernel to start reporting
"outcommand error", and the only way to get rid of it is to remove the
modules and reload them.

Terry Hardie
Founder and Chief Technology officer		ICQ#: 977679
Convergence Equipment Co, Manassas, VA, USA	V: +1-703-361-5566
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