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Can't get any traffic @ the dvb card.

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Hi There,
I am working with this problem more than a month now.
I am using a linux machine on the subnet 192.168.15.x with the address
My connection through the internet go's by a router (address which works perfectly, but at a low bandwith.
Because I use Superweb as provider i can only use proxy-authentication @
port 8080, and not the EON-login @ 6000 & 8000.
I use redhat 6.1 & driver version 0.04 of linux dvb. And i use dvbd2.
To connect @ the internet i wan't to use squid, and i configured it
properly, as i watched the last mails in this email-list.
But i don't get any traffic @ device dvb0 when i look with command
"tcpdump -i dvb0".
Squid works fine when i use direct connection, but that isn't what i want
to. I WAN'T EON!
Does anyone have any suggestions because am i about to collapse @ this
point. ;-(((((

Kind Regards,

Bernd Edelijn

DeLhee Systeembeheer
Mobiel: 06 29 51 53 38
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