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Re: a different kind of video recorder?
Carsten Koch writes:
> It should not be too hard to extend Klaus' Program
> to be able to display the video in an X window.
He may be able the gtvscreen widget, which provides the display part
for gVideo and is supposed to be used by a variety of programs. gVideo
actually started out as a simple program to test the gtvscreen widget
and grew a lot when all the dvb stuff was added.
> > For recording i thought of using the "at" and "cron" daemons, think we do not
> > need to invent the wheel again ;-)
> Of course this is easily possible right now, but you
> would gain very little by it. Klaus' vdr program has a
> smaller CPU usage than the cron daemon.
> > BTW, does the Siemens card support simultanous record/playback for different
> > sources - e.g. recording one program while viewing a pre-recorded file?
> AFAIK, the card kind-of-supports it (DMA can only go
> one way at a time), but the current driver does not.
The card was never ment to support it. Ralph tries very hard to do it,
but I guess it will never work as smooth as one would like it to.
> > I have probably not the time and experience to write such a program all on my
> > own, but i would like to help programing if someone or more would participate...
> Give Klaus' software a try.
> The more I use it, the more I like it.
> As I said earlier in another threat: it would make a lot
> more sense to work together improving Klaus' video
> recorder rather than starting another one.
Maybe we should start some project to do that, or try to fit it
together with the oms project which is supposed to become a universal
media player for linux.
Dr. Marcus Metzler
Convergence Integrated Media GmbH
Rosenthaler Str. 51
D-10178 Berlin
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