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thank you so much

hi everybody!

first of all, i want to thank the developers of the dvb-drivers and vdr for
their fantastic work - and of course for their help on the mailling list, that
made my settopbox become usefull at last!

just a hint on the drivers: moveing the dvb-card to an other motherboard, made
the drivers able to load the firmware correctly - but the windows drivers
worked also on the old motherboard. maybe the drivers can get a little more

as i built up my box, i tried to strip my suse 7.0 distibution to nearly
nothing. ;-) i ended on a system that has:

init, boot-script, dvb drivers, vdr, the libs and some stuff in /bin (as  the
bash) so i can play around with installation.
the init prozess has only one runlevel where the drivers get loaded and the
bash gets fired up. after exiting bash the system gets halted. now it would be
great if i could switch off my box by quiting vdr with my ir-remote-controller.
i think it is possible to let ircexec kill vdr, but would'nt it be more
comfortable to make vdr terminating itself?

btw: is anybody intrested in a "slim-lin(e)ux" distribution for this
kind of boxes? (like the linux router project). i thought about a nice install
script that copies a configurable minimal system to disk (some diffrent
kernels, lirc, dvb, vdr, dhcclient, sshd,  a.s.o ....)

only my to cent ...

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