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[linux-dvb] Re: mplex


My first post, still I tried something complex: A translation ;-)

On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 08:26:19PM +0100, Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
> #Include <hallo.h>
> The "new" <UltraBigGrin> mplex-tool in mpegtools is "buggie"
> With "xmovie" the produced stream works great. Replayed with "the
> Hardware" there is an Audio/Video Offset of more than 1 Second. (Audio is
> much to late) and at the beginning there are some second where the sound
> is "jumpy"
> As i can't explain it in english, the rest is in german
> Ich habe die "Test"-Clips schon sehr of gesehen. Und ich hatte beim Testen
> das Gefuehl das das gehoert nichts mit dem gesehen zu tun hat. Als ob man
> Pro-7 schaut und den Ton von einem anderen Sender hat. Liegt
> wahrscheinlich am grossen Offset das das Gehirn die "Informationsfluesse"
> als "unrelated" einstuft)

I've seen the "Test"-Clips many times. While testing I had the feeling
the output I heared had nothing to do with what I've seen. It's like you
watch Pro-7 (german channel) and listen to the sound of another channel.
This is probably related to the big offset that the mind classiefies the
"information flows" as "unrelated".
> "Die besten" Ergebnisse (bis auf Offset-Probleme), hatte ich bisher mit
> "dem anderen" mplex-Programm (In dem Packet heisst, das was du verbaut
> hast, "mplexhi" und das andere "mplexlo", mplexlo ist zudem wesentlich
> fixer und man muesste nur das Problem mit dem Offset loesen.)

I had "the best" results (except to the offset problems) with "the other"
mplex program (the name of the program in the package which you have
build (I won't translate this word originally ;-) is "mplexhi" and the
other one "mplexlo", moreover mplexlo is considerbly quicker and
you only had to solve the offset problem).

Best regards,

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