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[linux-dvb] Re: Skins

Matthias Queisler wrote:
> Hey Group,
> I just watched a movie on my VDR and thought "Wouldn't it be cool, if you
> could make your own skins for the VDR-OSD??".
> I remember that I heard, that the OSD is a bitmap-format, so it isn't really
> hard to make skins.
> What are you thinking guys?

I believe with "skin" you mean a custom made appearance of the various
OSD screens? Well, by rewriting the code in menu.c and interface.c you
could do that, I guess.

I'd love to invest more time into functional improvements of VDR, but
I guess it doesn't make much sense to implement new features before
the switch to the new API is completed. I just wonder if the new driver
will *ever* become as stable and usable as the 0.8.2 driver was...


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