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[linux-dvb] Re: [dvb-linux] VDR & VFAT-Option

Andreas Share wrote:
> Hi,
> some little problem with the Vhat=1 optin in VDR.
> The recording will be named without ":" (2001-05-, but
> the in recording directory the ":" still lifes (eg  Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine ;)
> I think this 'problem' caused by the EPG Data.

Ahrrghh *?$%&!!!! - why do we always have to fiddle around with this inferior
Windoze sh&%**???

Ok, try this:

in recording.c locate the line 

   case '/':  *p = '-'; break;

in function cRecording::cRecording(cTimer *Timer) and insert the line

   case ':':  *p = '_'; break;

immediately after that one. I haven't explicitly tested this, but I believe
this should help (at least for newly recorded files).

Let me know if it works and I'll put it into the official VDR source.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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