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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: VDR 0.80pre8, current CVS OSD problems

Hakenes Rolf wrote:
> >"Marcus O.C. Metzler" wrote:
> >>
> >>  > >
> >>  > > grk .. should have come up with that myself. 12 works like a charm.
> >>  >
> >>  > So above all else this appears to be hardware dependent, too.
> >>  > Guess I'll need to make the OSD retry opening windows with smaller
> >>  > and smaller sizes until it succeeds. Just hope there will be enough
> >>  > memory left for at least a few lines of OSD...
> >>  >
> >>  > Klaus
> >>
> >> Why don't you use less colors? That way you can keep the number of
> >> lines.
> >>
> >> Marcus
> >
> >I'm already down to 16 colors. The next lower number would be 4, and that's
> >to small, because we already need red, green yellow and blue for the four
> >colored buttons, and then there's the background, white black etc...
> Hi,
> I heavily agree with Klaus's opinion, that it would be VERY important to get
> back the OSD memory of at least the same size at is was before.
> What about the idea to use the on-card memory for both purposes (OSD and
> audio buffer) simultaniously, maybe restricted by prohibiting any OSD during
> playback ?

Having no OSD during playback would rob VDR of many of its valuable features!
So I wouldn't want that to happen.

> What about deleting the OSDText-ioctl and all the memory (assumingly) used
> by character tables or similar things. This function is not used by VDR, and
> is not very useful at all (mainly because it's slow and impossible to get an
> information where the cursor is after written something to the screen).

I don't know the internals of these, but I would assume that the text fonts
are not stored in RAM. But in case they are: I'd also like to see them dropped ;-)
VDR doesn't need them at all.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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