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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: VDR 0.80pre8, current CVS OSD problems

Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
> [Posted and mailed]
> On 30 May 2001 Klaus Schmidinger <> wrote:
> > "Marcus O.C. Metzler" wrote:
> >>
> >> Why don't you use less colors? That way you can keep the number of
> >> lines.
> >
> > I'm already down to 16 colors. The next lower number would be 4, and that's
> > to small, because we already need red, green yellow and blue for the four
> > colored buttons, and then there's the background, white black etc...
> What about 8 colors? This would be enough for what VDR needs.

You can only have 2, 4, 16 or 256 colors.

> Anyway, I thing that VDR without OSD would be quite useless, but
> I think that it's acceptable to have fewer colors (even
> monochrome) on OSD or to drop the live background in the big menus
> (don't know if this saves memory).

One of the things I like most about VDR is the possibility to have transparent
menus on top of the current programme. This allows me to check email, browse
schedules or program timers while watching, without disturbing e.g. the rest
of my family too much. I hate those set-top boxes that turn off the signal
when you go into some menu.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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