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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: VDR 0.80pre8, current CVS OSD problems
Henning Holtschneider wrote:
> > I'm currently using the CVS driver version from 2001-05-25, because with
> the
> > version from 2001-05-28 I'm having big problems with tuning and frequent
> "ARM resets"
> > (with otherwise unchanged VDR, just recompiled with the respective
> driver's header files).
> > Ralph said earlier that the tuning code hasn't changed between these two
> versions,
> > but I guess something must have changed, because the latest version is
> pretty
> > unstable on my system.
> At first I had the same problem but after I checked out the entire DVB tree
> from the CVS again, it worked. Could it be that the CVS server on
> has problems with the two binary firmware files Dpram and Root?
Just newly checked out the entire DVB tree and compared it to the updated
version - turned out to be exactly the same files.
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