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[linux-dvb] Re: exporting VDR files

Am 27.5.2001 um 20:07 schrieb Matthias Schniedermeyer:

> > How can i convert the .vdr files into a readable Video format so that i
> > can watch theese on my PC (e.g. with xine)?
> .vdr files from VDR 0.70 or newer can be viewed with xine "directly" (just
> rename them to .mpg (Or say xine to check for contents first))

Hm. Don't work for me. Even if i try to rename 001.vdr to 001.mpg or try
-D=content. Xine plays two seconds and aborts with a SegFault or plays a
few seconds and freezes then.

DVB 0.8.2, vdr 0.72, xine 0.4.3.

> .vdr files from VDR <0.70 or older must be converted from avpes to p(e)s
> e.g. with "avpes2mpeg"

Where can i get this tool?

Ciao, Thomas.

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