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[linux-dvb] Re: VDR 0.80pre8

On Mon, 28 May 2001, Ralph Metzler wrote:

>  > plaing back with 0.0.4 .
> Just for the audio underflow problem such re-arranging could be
> enough. It is probably a lot less overhead than a complete re-muxing.
>  > It is professional quality really, after more the 15 tapes produced that
>  > way I have not had ONE complaint about audio / video sync.
>  > And there are NO picture jitters either.
>  > Maybe you need to step back and ask: What was so good about 0.0.4?
> It had less strict syncing which I am using now too. There should be
> no jitters in the current driver's playback. 
> Also, 0.4.0 did not always start in sync. This is actually better in
True, I solved tha tby doing a seek somewhere a bit into the file,
there is a point where the sync is OK, but starting on say a frame (B or
whatever) does not seem to do it.
So I just added a comman line parameter to my playback / subtitle program
and try a couple of values.

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