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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: VDR 0.80pre8, current CVS OSD problems (fwd)

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> Jan Panteltje wrote:
> > 
> > What is this about different fonts I heard? I there a call for that in the
> > new API?
> This has always been there. I believe there are several different
> font sizes one can select. The one VDR initially used was the smallest
Yes, that is correct:
I have written center and reformat for the variable spacing characters
for all three fontsizes.
I can publish the code here if anyone likes.
For this I simply counted how many of each character fitted on a line.
Even counted to 25000? (for each char, for upper and lower case, for each
It is not perfect yet, but the subtitle software reformat the sentences,
uses more then one line if needed, and centers the text in the middle of
the screen.

> one, if I recall correctly. However, since writing texts with API calls
> was rather slow, I changed VDR to write into a bitmap in memory and send
OK, I will dive into the VDR code gain, already stile some of your ideas
in previous programs.

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