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[linux-dvb] Re: change VDR's replay buffer size
Henning Holtschneider wrote:
> Hello list,
> can anyone tell me how to change the size of the replay buffer in VDR
> 0.80? My problem is that the audio on my recordings which should normally
> sound like this ...
> ... sometimes sounds like this:
> A A A A A A A
> I switched from Reiserfs on my /video partition to XFS and the situation
> has improved already but the phenomenon isn't completely gone. So, I would
> like to try to increase the size of the replay buffer and see what's
> happening.
That would be
#define VIDEOBUFSIZE (1024*1024)
in dvbapi.c.
I sometimes also have this problem, and stopping/resuming replay always
cures it. This also sometimes happens if you "pause" and then resume by
pressing "pause" again. I doubt that this is a VDR problem, but let me
know anyway if your test turns out positive.
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