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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: Antwort: AW: Re: VDR: first step towards AC3 sound
Quoting Andreas Vitting (
> i have decoded a 2/0 AC3 Stream (the standard Stream from pro7 television).
> Pherhaps you has recorded a 5.1 DD Stream from a movie ?? My stream is
> wrong. From the sync to the next sync bits there is more room then the
> framesize told me (14 Bytes).
This could be the MPEG systems pack & packet header. Do not feed a decoder
with this. You have to look for the "real" AC3 data.
Bye... SP.
Szymon Polom | GPG Key-ID 1024D/E6EA36F2
convergence integrated media GmbH |
Rosenthaler Str. 51 | fon: +49(0)30-72 62 06 68
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