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[linux-dvb] Re: playdvd 0.5.1 / vdr0.85 dvd patch

Hi Andreas,

At 10:17 04.08.2001 +0200, Andreas Schultz wrote:
>Stephan Schreiber wrote:
>>Both playdvd and vdr0.85 sometimes crash my system to the point where I 
>>have to push Reset.
>Thanks goodness, it's not only me. I have noticed this behaivior here too, 
>but i don't have a monitor attached to my system. What apparently happens 
>it that the kernel crashes. There are three possibilities, 1st it's the 
>2.4.5ac-something, since thats almost the same kernel i'm using at the 
>moment, or 2nd the DVD stuff somehow triggers a BUG in the DVB driver, or 
>3rd the K6-III CPU, i have one too.

I had the same type of crash today during a recording.
Seems like it was not DVD related at all but my kernel had problems with my 
EIDE chipset or some other esoteric thing.
Now I'm using a "vanilla" 2.4.7 and have no crashes anymore. :-)))

Thanks for your help and your good work!


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