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[linux-dvb] Re: DVD-Probs with v0.90

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Schneider" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 5:21 PM
Subject: [linux-dvb] DVD-Probs with v0.90

> Hello,
> when I play a DVD i have all 10 Sec. horizontally flickers.
> I have vdr 0.90 and driver's from 03.08.2001
> I have an IDE DVD-LW.
> How can I solve it?
> Thank you .
It seems that you have the same problem as I have. Do you have also audio
drop-outs at the same time ? What CPU do you have ?
Please read my message sent to this list on 2 august, at 11:20 pm and look
at your CPU charge with the "top" utility.
There is a task, named "dvb_mon", that uses generally 0% CPU, but every 10
or 15 seconds it uses up to 40 or 50% CPU, and then the problems appears.
BTW, can somebody explain what exactly is the "Dvb_mon" task ?

Best regards,


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