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[linux-dvb] New VDR 0.91

I'm experiencing two problems when trying to compile 
new version 0.91 of Klaus' VDR package:

1. If I compile the package without DVD=1 I get an 
errormessage saying "undefined refernece to 
cTimer:SetPending(bool) in file menu.c(2075) and vdr.c

2. If compiling with make DVD=1, I get a no such 
file: "dvdread/dvd_reader.h", "ifo_types.h" and so on...

I downloaded libdvdread-8.0 from the link Klaus 
inclosed in his package and DVB 0.91 from his site.
Do I need to compile libdvdread too? If I try that I 
get a "missing autoheader" which seems to be a utility 
for this package.

Last version which was working on my system (Suse 7.1/ 
2.4.0) was VDR 0.85 + DVB driver ~Juni 2001

Any ideas?

Jens Hauser

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