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[linux-dvb] Re: Announcment: MP3 extension for VDR

Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
> On 22 Aug 2001 (Alfred Zastrow) wrote:
>>The license of mpg123 contains some uply parts. Wouldn't it be better to 
>>switch to mgp321, witch is protected by the GPL?
> I don't think that the licence is too ugly and most of it doesn't
> apply in this case as I only use mpg123 as an external tool.

Did you "inform the author of mpg123" about your modified package?
What kind of rights do you have on *your* modifications?
What kind of rights do other people have on *your* modifications?

> I had a look at mpg321 too, but AFAIK it doesn't supports the generic
> remote interface I use to control it.
> Anyways, I planed to include MP3 decoding into VDR, but I didn't
> found a suiteable decoding lib for it until now.

Anyway, this should be the cleanest solution.

Sorry, but GPL'ed software fits best to other GPL'ed software.


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