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[linux-dvb] Re: Problems with recording and playback !! Need HELP

Tilo Renkl wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I've a problem with my VDR 0.92 and DVB 0.9. When I programm my timer for a
> recording of a film at Premiere, the VDR switches to that channel, starts
> recording and immediatly stops recording. Filesize 0 kb !!

I assume you have _one_ DVB card and your CAM is in that card.
In that case please make sure the 'Ca' parameter of all encrypted
channels you want to watch is set to '1' (default is '3').

> Second Problem is that when I playback something and then return to my TV
> program, the only enyrypted channel I can view is the one from where I
> srarted playback.

This is a known driver problem. We all hope that the driver developers
will eventually fix it some day...


> I need help !!!!!!!!!! PLEASE.
> I do not know what I shall do more.
> System:
> PIII 500 MHz
> 256 MB
> 13 GB Maxtor UDMA2
> 1 DVB-s (Haupauge) with CI and Irdeto CAM (abo)


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