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[linux-dvb] Re: Where are the recordings???

Markus Winkler wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a small problem:
> I moved my DVB-Hard/Software including a 40gig hd to another computer
> running Suse 7.1.
> I wanted to try the ReiserFS and therefor had to backup my recordings and
> reformat the drive.
> Installed the system, dvb etc. works fine. Now I moved the recordings back
> but the problem is, i can't see any of these in the recordings menu of vdr.
> The file sizes are correct, everything should be alright.
> I used version 0.92 in the old box and tried version 0.92 and 0.93 in the
> new one.
> Any sugestions how i can see my old recordings again? By the way, new
> recordings are shown, so theres no problem with /video, the config etc.

You can try

  find / -name 001.vdr

to search your entire file system for recording files.


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