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[linux-dvb] Re: Low frequencies problems with siemens-drivers?
- To: Rolf Siebrecht <>,
- Subject: [linux-dvb] Re: Low frequencies problems with siemens-drivers?
- From: Andrei Boros <>
- Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 09:13:02 +0200
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- Organization: Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune
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Rolf Siebrecht wrote:
> Hi Andrei!
> On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, you wrote:
> > Also, I'd like to add a check to ensure that frequency and ttk are
> > correctly specified, if not, to correct ttk with respect to frequency.
> > Can you tell me precisely which is the frequency where the LNB should be
> > switched from the lower to the higher band?
> >
> > I've seen in DVB/apps/dvbrc.astra, dvbrc.3sats, dvbrc.4sats :
> > SLOF=11800000 and then
> > SLOF=11700000
> >
> > which one is the correct one?
> I think, 11700000 should be right.
Oh, yes, I've looked at my LNB's datasheet and this is the frequency
where tos witch bands.
> Btw, in the last edition of my 0.8.2 patch I added a revision of dvbd3. I
> called it dvbd3a. It already realizes what you are planning. I removed the
> "ttk" option completely there.
I'll look into it.
I know Roberto Arcomano complained he wasn't able to compile dvbd3 on
his system.
I added into dvbd3 a check whether freq is higher or lower then 11800,
but I will change that to the correct 11700. Also, from the
hauppaglinux-2.0 package by Bernd Fromel, I've tried dvbds (made for
starspeeder to use the dvb card's MAC) with this small modification and
it also works.
> dvbd3a gives "Sync=127" for the OpenSky transponder here, but Vber is not
> always zero. Well, now I should have an OpenSky account, or from any other
> Sat-ISP....
Same for mee too. Vber stays zero about 80% of time.
ing. Andrei Boros / +40-1-303-1865
Centrul pt. Tehnologia Informatiei
Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune
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