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[linux-dvb] Re: Hauppauge Wintv Nova and mplayer

Mirko Roller writes:
 > =

 > Hurra !!!  I can see a picture ....
 > =

 > But a : cat /dev/ost/dvr | ts2ps 301 302 | mplayer -cache 2048 -ac ac3=

 > -vc mpeg12  -
 > result in NOTHING !!!! ( one destroyed picture )
 > =

 > but this works :
 > =

 > The .dvbrc looks like :
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------=
 > LNB ID 0 TYPE 1  LOF1 9750000 LOF2 10600000 SLOF 11700000 DISEQCNR 1
 >   SAT ID 192 NAME "---ASTRA  19,2=B0Ost---" LNBID 0 FMIN 11700000 FMAX=

 > 12800000
 >     TRANSPONDER ID 044d SATID 0192 TYPE 1 FREQ 11837000 POL H SRATE =

 > 27500000 FEC 2
 >       CHANNEL ID 0 NAME "Das Erste" SATID 0192 TPID 44d SID 6dca TYPE =
0 =

 > VPID 65 APID 66 PCRPID 65
 >       CHANNEL ID 9 NAME "SWR Fernsehen" SATID 0192 TPID 44d SID 6dd1 =

 > TYPE 0 VPID 321 APID 322 PCRPID 321
 >       CHANNEL ID a NAME "SR Fernsehen Suedwes" SATID 0192 TPID 44d SID=

 > 6dce TYPE 0 VPID 1f5 APID 1f6 PCRPID 1f5
 >       CHANNEL ID b NAME "hessen fernsehen" SATID 0192 TPID 44d SID 6dc=
c =

 > TYPE 0 VPID 12d APID 12e PCRPID 12d
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------=
 > =

 > I start tuxzap , and switch to hessen 3, press the dvb button.
 > #cat /dev/ost/dvr > vide.ts
 > #tspids vide.ts
 > tspids
 > Reading vide.ts
 > 301 302
 > #ts2ps vide.ts 301 302 >
 > #mplayer
 > =

 > Yes... a Picture with sound .....
 > =

 > How can i do this, without the hd file ???
 > The pipes seem to corrupt the data ...
 > =

Try using buffer. I haven't tried at which point in the pipe it is
best, so you will have to play around with it. There are also a lot of
options for buffer which can be set to imrove its effect. You can use "0 =
0" as
argument for ts2ps and the program should find the pids automatically,
(I hope).
I was planning to add a continous check to ts2ps to register channel
switches, but I haven't gotten to that yet. Maybe it would be better
if the whole functionality is included into mplayer.


-- =

Dr. Marcus Metzler                             =                     

Convergence Integrated Media GmbH          =

Rosenthaler Str. 51                   =

D-10178 Berlin                             =


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