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[linux-dvb] dvbtune : wrong usage or wrong display ?

Hi there,

I use dvbtune for its scan ability but it does not seem to tune on the 
frequency I asked for.
Either I use it the wrong way or what dvbtune displays is not what it does 
or ... ?

Here what the problem looks like :

[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]# ./dvbtune -c 0 -f 10911000  -p V -s 27500 -t 0 -I 
2 -i -x > pidlist
tuning DVB-S to L-Band:1161000, Pol:V Srate=27500000, 22kHz=off
Event:  iFrequency: 11819500
         SymbolRate: 22000000
         FEC_inner:  0

Status: iFrequency: 9750001
         SymbolRate: 27500000
         FEC_inner:  0
Bit error rate: 0
Signal strength: 0
SNR: 0
Nothing to read from fd_nit
Nothing to read from fd_nit
Nothing to read from fd_pat
Nothing to read from fd_sdt

I asked for FREQ = 10 911 000 and it says ifrequ = 9 750 001 ! (should be 1 
161 000 ?)

[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]# ./dvbtune -c 0 -f 1161000  -p V -s 27500 -t 0 -I 2 
-i -x > pidlist
tuning DVB-S to L-Band:1161000, Pol:V Srate=27500000, 22kHz=off
Not able to lock to the signal on the given frequency
[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]# ./dvbtune -c 0 -f 1161000  -p V -s 27500 -t 0 -I 2 
-i -x > pidlist
tuning DVB-S to L-Band:1161000, Pol:V Srate=27500000, 22kHz=off
Event:  iFrequency: 11819500
         SymbolRate: 22000000
         FEC_inner:  0

Status: iFrequency: 9750001
         SymbolRate: 27500000
         FEC_inner:  0
Bit error rate: 0
Signal strength: 0
SNR: 0
Nothing to read from fd_nit
Nothing to read from fd_nit
Nothing to read from fd_pat
Nothing to read from fd_sdt
[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]#

I asked for IFREQ = 1 161 000 and it says ifrequ = 9 750 001 !

[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]# ./dvbtune -c 0 -f 1161000  -p V -s 27500 -t 0 -I 2 
-i > pidlist

tuning DVB-S to L-Band:1161000, Pol:V Srate=27500000, 22kHz=off
Event:  iFrequency: 11819500
         SymbolRate: 22000000
         FEC_inner:  0

Status: iFrequency: 9750001
         SymbolRate: 27500000
         FEC_inner:  0
Bit error rate: 0
Signal strength: 0
SNR: 0
Nothing to read from fd_pat
Nothing to read from fd_sdt

Same thing with the FREQ but without the -x experimental option : notice 

[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]# ./dvbtune -c 0 -f 1161000 -p V -s 27500 -t 0 -I 2 
-i > pidlist
tuning DVB-S to L-Band:1161000, Pol:V Srate=27500000, 22kHz=off
Not able to lock to the signal on the given frequency
[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]# ./dvbtune -c 0 -f 10911000 -p V -s 27500 -t 0 -I 2 
-i > pidlist
tuning DVB-S to L-Band:1161000, Pol:V Srate=27500000, 22kHz=off
Event:  iFrequency: 11819500
         SymbolRate: 22000000
         FEC_inner:  0

Status: iFrequency: 9750001
         SymbolRate: 27500000
         FEC_inner:  0
Bit error rate: 0
Signal strength: 0
SNR: 0
Nothing to read from fd_pat
Nothing to read from fd_sdt
[root@jaya dvbtune-0.2]#

Same thing with the IFREQ but without the -x experimental option : notice 

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

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