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[linux-dvb] Re: tuner type not set
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Wolfgang Wershofen wrote:
> Dienstag, 19. März 2002 at 23:17 Frank Klingenhoefer wrote:
> > Wolfgang Wershofen wrote:
> >> Does anybody know, how to set the tuner type? I looked into the
> >> archives and found only one thread with this message but no solution
> >> to that.
> > $ insmod tuner type=xyz
> > (This parameter of the module is valid for the recent version.)
> > More information could be found on
> >
> Ok, I downloaded the 0.7.91-version of bttv. But how do I find out,
> which type of tuner my TT budget card has? Do I have to look at the
> card itself or is there a way to let some software show me that?
dvb.o performs it silently.
> > The tuner (in the dvb package) is a slightly (?) modified version of the
> > original (?) one, which is part of the bttv package.
The bttv package has gone through many many versions and updates - the
same for its own tuner module. The tuner module for the DVB package was
taken over at some intermediate state of the bttv development and supplied
with those special data records describing the DVB frontends. And the DVB
tuner module itself has gone thru several revisions, too.
> Does this mean, i simply can replace the tuner.c in the dvb-driver with
> the tuner.c from bttv-package?
No! A bttv-tuner.o does not contain any data records for DVB frontends.
> BTW: Writing this mail, I found out that "insmod tuner.o type=x" from
> the DVB/driver directory seems to work as well, without modifying
> tuner.c. At least, I don't get the "tuner type not set" message anymore
> when I start dvbd, although tuning still doesn't work.
> Any more suggestions?
The DVB-0.8.2-package only supports the Alps BSRV2 tuner with VES1893
demodulator (regarding DVB-*S*). Your budget card probably has a Alps
BSRU6 with STV0299 demodulator - no success with DVB-0.8.2.
As said dvb.o detects the current DVB card type and selects, based on that
determination, the correct tuner type. It's not your - the user's - job to
select a tuner type.
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