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[linux-dvb] NEWSSTRUCT-suggestion for distributed/network -access


as this mail didn't make ist to the list two weeks ago, I send it again:

in my opinion, the household of future won't consist of single stand-alone devices anymore, 
but of settop-boxes clustered by network (Ethernet, WLan, ...).

So we'll have to deal with distributed systems (hardware in one settop-box, user-level-software on another). 
That's why all software will need a client/server-concept, wherein complete hardware and hardware-access 
is managed in the server and user-level in the client. As for TCP/IP is used world-wide and in internet, 
it's the only solution for the interface between server and client.

So I do have the following suggestions for the DVB-driver, expanding the net-device
(I didn't use the dvb-net part yet, so please correct me if I'm wrong):

1.) Till now it's only possible to get the selected stream at the net-device of the dvb-driver. But no software 
    can access the DVB-Api over the net-device. This would be necessary for tuning the cards.

2.) For many kinds of network (e.g. WLan) one or more TS-streams would need to much bandwidth. 
    So the DVB-Api would need remuxing-functions to provide only the streams needed by a client.

3.) When having several clients, there would be need for hardware-accounting. So, combined with 2.) 
    I'd suggest the client asks for a special stream (e.g. Frequency;Polarization;LNB;Pid1,Pid2,Pid3,...,PidN;
    Priortity;Realtime Yes/No;OtherOptions;...) and the DVB-drivers decides which card to use 
    (including parallel access on the low-budget-cards when requesting pids on the same transponder) 
    and remuxes the TS to a TS/PS/PES with only the requested pids.

Please have some comments!


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