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[linux-dvb] Re: UPDATE: Pinnacle PCTV Sat driver (experimental) updated

Hallo Peter,

thanks for your driver work. I hope i get it working some day.
I bought such a card and have problems with it.

first i want to tell you what i did:

- the card was never initialized in an windows driver envyroment!
   (i know some analog tv-cards [bttv] that has to play with windows
    one time and then they worked with linux too)
- i have a smp kernel on a dual celeron 400
   (i booted with maxcpus=1 and had the same result)
- there is a first analog bt878 card on a different interrupt
   (i replaced this card and had the same problem)
- the pctv shares an interrupt with a promise ide card
- i don't have a diseq capable lnb switch but a normal one for 22kHz
- the kernel locks totally (no ping, no telnet, only reset works)

here is the last output on the terminal i typed in from a screen photo

root@douddle:/usr/local/src/DVB/driver# sync
root@douddle:/usr/local/src/DVB/driver# ./
dvbstream v0.4pre1 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001
Released under GPL.
Latest version avialable from
tuning DVB-S to 12110000H 27500000
Channel tuned
Event:  iFrequency: 12669500
         SymbolRate: 22000000
         FEC_inner:  0

Status: iFrequency: 10600127
         SymbolRate: 27500000
         FEC_inner:  0
Bit error rate: 4975
Signal strength: 26

i append the relevant logs too

i don't know where the problem is
the next time i can make a try is on the weekend (because i'm only on 
weekends at place)

thanks anyway and good luck

Peter Hettkamp wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> Debugging:
> Modules pctv.o and cx24110.o use the insmod parameter 'debug=1',
> bt878.o uses 'bt878_debug=1'
> Beware, your system log will fill very quickly.
> Best regards,
> Peter Hettkamp

Lars Täuber

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