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[linux-dvb] Re: help, please?

>  - ./dvbtune -n <pid of the network card>
>   then it asked to tune the satellite card:
>   ./dvbtune -f 11473000 -p v -s 33300

I'm not quite shure if it is correct to put this in two separate steps.
I'd use ./dvbtune -f 11473000 - v -s 33300 -n <multicast- or unicast-pid>

> Bit error rate: 0
> Signal strength: 0
> SNR: 0

>  - ifconfigure the dvb0_0 

>     The dvbtune is great for it showed what it did, but the signal strength 
> is 0. I have put in the Windows and the signal strenght is around 55% and 
> signal quality is 100%.

Yes, I also get Signal Strength: 0, because dvbtune does not read the
correct registers on the nova cards. So more important are the
FE_STATUS-Codes. These above look perfect.

>     As there is no signal strength the tcpdump didn't show anything.
> Sorry to ask newbie questions but the dvbtune should not show at least some 
> signal? and how about the unicast pid, should I not put somewhere else or it 
> will read the configuration file .dvbrc?

Is the Satnode-Service a unicasting one? Sorry, I don't know much about
Satnode and I supposed it was Multicast.
So with Unicast, you can not see pakets coming through your dvb-card
unless you create the traffic yourself. Give the unicast pid over to
dvbtune behind "-n" and AFAIK you should be all set. Try to create some
traffic over the proxy and look into your dvb0_0 with iptraf or tcpdump.

the .dvbrc is not used by dvbtune.

>      I hope you also have answer for this, because really I would like that  
> this satellite work in Linux. And Morocco also sent regards to Germany. 

I know your feelings. I've been in the same position some months before
with a new service in Germany. Good Luck.

> Regards,
> Wei Yao Gharib 

> Wolfgang Wershofen Ecrir: 

>  > Montag, 10. Juni 2002 at 14:33 gyao wrote:
>>>    I am new in this field so sorry to ask these questions. I also spent a
>>> week searching in google and this mailing list for the answers for my 
>>> problem; I found some hints and applied them but the internet still doesn't 
>>> work. There is no data going through the satellite card.
>> How did you try it? e.g. with tcpdump or iptraf? I suppose Satnode uses
>> Multicasting, so from that moment you tune your card to the right
>> frequency and pid, you should see multicast-pakets running through your
>> dvb0_0 device. 
>>>    The card is working under Windows.
>> Great! Almost every card does that. *SCNR* 
>>>    I am using the dvb drivers 0.94, network_activator 0.1, Hauppauge WinTv 
>>> Nova card, RedHat 7.2 and kernel 2.4.18, and subscribed to Satnode provider. 
>>> The subscribtion of internet is using EutelsatII 10°E and
>>>     The kernel is compiled with video and ic2 as module.
>> Ok, so far everything seems to be correct. 
>>>      Everything runs without error, and found dvb device. I run network 
>>> activator with the pid, create the dvb0_0 with ifconfig and echo "0" to 
>>> rp_filter in the dvb0_0.
>>>      At this step looks like it is missing the configuration file. I created 
>>> a .dvbrc in my home folder like this: 
>>> LNB ID 0 TYPE 1 LOF1 9750000 LOF2 10600000 SLOF 11700000 DISEQCNR 0
>>>        SATID 192 NAME "eutelsatII" LNBID 0 FMIN 11000000 FMAX 12800000
>>>                TRANSPONDER ID 001 SATID 192 TYPE 1  FREQ 11473000 POL V 
>>> SRATE 33300000 FEC 2/3
>>>                        CHANNEL ID 0 NAME "SAT" SATID 0192 TPID 105 SID 192 
>>> TYPE 1 VPID 200 APID 200 
>>>        After all this I cannot ping the proxy and in the Mozilla there is a 
>>> message saying that the connection is refused when i type any url.
>>>         First question is if am I doing something wrong or is it missing 
>>> something.
>> Suggestion: You didn't tell anything about tuning your card to the
>> desired frequency. So prehaps your card listens to another freq where no
>> data is transmitted. Are you shure that you are tuned to the right freq? 
>> Try using Dave Chapmans little tool dvbtune. It works perfectly and
>> brings up the network-interface if involved with the -n option. So you
>> can forget that network_activator-tool. See for further
>> details and download. So with that you do
>> - load the drivers
>> - tune the card with dvbtune -n <network-pid>
>> - ifconfig dvb0_0 
>> After that you may see mc-pakets with "tcpdump -ni dvb0_0". 
>>>        Another question is about the MAC address of the card. I configured 
>>> the correct MAC address using ifconfig but in the log  there are many MACs 
>>> in filters:
>>> ...
>>> Jun 10 10:24:15 router kernel: dvb0_0: set_mc_list, 1 entries
>>> Jun 10 10:24:15 router kernel: dvb0_0: filter mac=00 00 00 00 00 00
>>> Jun 10 10:24:15 router kernel: dvb0_0: filter mac=01 00 5e 00 00 01
>>> Jun 10 10:25:13 router kernel: dvb0_0: filter mac=00 d0 5c 1f 68 79
>>> Jun 10 10:25:13 router kernel: dvb0_0: filter mac=01 00 5e 00 00 01
>>> Jun 10 10:25:13 router kernel: dvb0_0: set_mc_list, 1 entries
>>> Jun 10 10:25:13 router kernel: dvb0_0: filter mac=00 d0 5c 1f 68 79
>>> Jun 10 10:25:13 router kernel: dvb0_0: filter mac=01 00 5e 00 00 01
>>> ...
>>>         Is these messages correct? Should I not tell him which filter to 
>>> use? If yes, how?
>> IMHO, those filter settings are correct. 
>>>         Thank you for the attention and I hope someone can help me. 
>> I hope, you'll find some interesting things in my answer. Regards from
>> Germany to Morocco.
>> Wolfgang 
>> -- 
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>  --------------------------------------
> Wei Yao Gharib
> System Administrator
> Wise Communication Company
> Sale, Morocco 

Best regards
Wolfgang Wershofen                  

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