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[linux-dvb] artefacts on viva,m-tv,n-tv linux-dvb

have a problem with artefacts.

When I compile and load the dvb drivers everything is allright.
I get n-tv on my TV but there are some artefacts on it and the sound isn't
 ok. When I run VDR there are other channels (viva,mtv...) with the same
 problem. But when I start the small programm ptest in DVB/libdvb/ptest 
(Version 0.9.3) while running DVB and VDR, it becomes ok. I have this Problem 
the whole time since I bought the Card but my other DVB-Receivers haven't 
problems with it therefore I couldn't imagine that the dish isn't set correct.

I don't know where I can find the error or what file to correct.

I have a Siemens DVB-s rev. 1.3 with Loop trough.
Under Windows with original Siemens drivers it runs ok.

Is there someone who had the same problem and can help me?


PS: what do the "ptest" and "stest" do ????????

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