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[linux-dvb] Re: redirecting video...

Hi Rikard

Rikard Herlitz wrote:
> I need help redirecting the video output to a program, to do my own
> descrambling.
> (I'm not talking recorded video or mpeg-files)
> Is it possible to go about like this?
> - open a demuxer
> - set a pes-filter with videopid, dmx_in_frontend, dmx_out_tap
> - read from demux and write to my program, or a fifo
> - output descrambled video from my program to the decoder
> Or is there an easy way to redirect the video to a fifo?

dvbstream can output a filtered TS or PS to stdout and subsequently
to a fifo aka pipe (named or unnamed).

If you use unnamed pipes, then try

  $ dvbstream -o VIDEOPID | descrambler | player

to prove the concept and then rewrite the player to include
the dvbstream code and your descrambler code to save a lot of
unnecessary write and reads. Your descrambler is expected to understand
a MPEG-2 TS or PS (use the -ps flag for dvbstream).

Feel inclined to feed back the code of your descrambler to the community.

Kind regards


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