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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB-T and RedHat 8.0
In article <Pine.GSO.4.21.0210131550430.17076-100000@topaz>,
Simon Crook <> wrote:
> Hi,
> After following the solution you suggested, 'make insmod' seems to work
> ok from the DVB/drivers directory without the unresolved symbols errors
> I was experiencing before. Thanks :) Its strange that all I needed to do
> in RedHat 7.3 was to make sure the kernel sources were in /usr/src (and
> the linux link) and copy across the correct .config file, but in RedHat
> 8.0 I needed to run those make commands in the kernel sources directory.
> However, I have a new problem now :(
> When I try to compile dvbstream, it can't find several files that are in
> DVB/ost/include/ost directory (dmx.h, sec.h, frontend.h etc.). The
> directory seems to be empty (driver was downloaded today from cvs).
You need to get dvbstream/dvbtune etc. source from cvs too. Don't have a
direct URL but entering dvbtools in will
take you there.
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