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[linux-dvb] Mlayer patch for dvb-input

attached is a new patch for Mplayer 0.90rc3 that enables dvb tuning and
channel switching. 
It's not ready for the main branch yet, because it still uses an external
ts2ps routine in the streaming layer, but it's better than the previous
version because:
1) it handles diseqc
2) it tunes much faster 
3) it doesn't hang anymore when switching to a channel  with a different
4) it handles the parameters necessary for DVB-T and -C.

Yet it still hangs when switching to an encrypted channel.

Once again all the code is based on dvbstream and mpegtools (thanks very 
much to the authors).

How to use it: 
mplayer -dvbin on=1:[PARAMS]

where the possible params are:

on=1		required
prog=name (taken from a VDR-compatible channels.conf file that must be in
your .mplayer dir)
freq: frequency, int
vid, aid are pids (int)
srate: symbol-rate, int
pol: char V/H
diseqc: int 1-4
qam: modulation (16, 32, 64, 128, 256, otherwise default)
gi: guard_interval (4, 8, 16, 32, otherwise default)
tm: trasmission_mode (2,8 otherwise default)
bw: bandwidth(6, 7, 8, otherwise default)
cr: coderate (12, 23, 34, 56, 78, -1=auto)
tone: 0/1 maybe totally useless

e.g.: mplayer -dvbin on=1:prog=Rai1
	mplayer -dvbin

Note: some of these parameters (qam, tone, etc.) don't seem to be
available in
channels.conf, am I correct? In this case you should specify them on the
command line.

The channels can be switched up and down with 'h' and 'k' keys.

I paid attention not to issue a diseqc command if the next program is on
the same satellite position as the previous.

I tested this patch with my Hauppage WinTV Nova-S, so I couldn't test at
all certain parameters specific to DVB-T. If you want, use them at your
own risk but don't consider me responsible if your card fries.

I hope to receive bug-reports.



Attachment: patch-dvb.gz
Description: Binary data

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